Left Coast Reunion
Hosted by Eva Miller

June 25 and 26, 2005 Puyallup, Washington, USA

Many photos by Bobbi Miller are here!

Eva Miller's webpage with more reunion photos here!

Powerpoint presentations by Eva Miller

Warning - These are very large Powerpoint files

Hartt Beginning -- A Review of the Past 13.0 MB
Let Us Meet At The Present 21.3 MB
Introducing the Future 9.0 MB
Candid Shots 10.3 MB


(As seen by Bradford Paul Hartt of Renton, Washington)

The Left Coast Hartt Reunion began at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 25th. Carole Dick, the fantastic coordinator of this reunion, and Eva Miller, our beautiful capable hostess, welcomed us as we met at the Elks Club in Puyallup and prepared for a bus tour of the area. Thirty-one people were there for the trip. It was a sunny afternoon-- perfect summer weather for the Northwest. Our driver, Bill Cunningham (a friend of Eva's) took us first to 1516 South Warner St., in Tacoma, where William Charles lived for many years. We parked in front of the house while Charlotte Griffiths and others told of some fun experiences in that home. Then, we went over the Narrows Bridge while Eva, Brad, and others in the group told us stories about the old bridge that fell in 1940. Several of the group present had seen and traveled over that old bridge. We were interested in seeing the construction of the new four lanes that are being added to the present Narrows Bridge from a new park made for this purpose. The size of the bus prohibited our getting into the cemeteries to visit the gravesites of a number of the Hartt ancestors buried in Tacoma. But this didn't dampen our enthusiasm and the fun we had visiting as we drove around the city and visited the Bridge of Glass at the Glass Art Museum in the center of town. We went next to the Old Union Station, the Washington State Historical Museum and the Tacoma Art Museum.

Upon our arrival back at the Elks Club at 6:00 p.m., we went to the Linden Golf & Country Club where a delicious spaghetti dinner was served with Brad Hartt returning thanks for the food. As we ate, we listened to the delightful accordion music by Gary, a local artist. About 8:00 p.m. we concluded our time and came home to get some rest and be ready for the bigger gathering and celebration on the following day.

On Sunday, June 26th, 2005, we drove back down to Puyallup and arrived at the Elks Club at about 10:00 a.m. where three young ladies with smiling faces welcomed us to the Hartt Family Reunion. They were friends of Eva who offered to help: Elnore, Karen and Teresa. Another friend, Ruth, gave assistance at the Book Sales table.

Upon registering with Elnore, and signing the guest book with Karen, Teresa offered our choice of a red or white t-shirt decorated with the "Hart to Hartt" emblem of a deer and a heart. I chose a beautiful white one that said, "Review the Past; Meet the Present; and be Introduced to the Future." The t-shirts were printed by Bev Kraus's daughter's business, "Strike Zone Design & Printing" of California. Eva created the design. In each bag, along with the t-shirt were some Almond Roca candies made by Tacoma's famous Brown & Haley Candy Co., an engraved Hartt pencil, a little tablet with the deer and heart emblem, and two maps of Washington. Each person received two colorful schedule brochures, designed by Eva, telling about the two reunion days.

When we passed into the main hall, there was a festive air -- beautiful balloons; tables upon which were innumerable photos and artifacts from the past; dining tables all set, ready to serve dinner; and all around the walls was a 126 ft Hart/Hartt Tree chart giving genealogy information on all branches of the Hartt families. It was printed in May of 2004 in South Dakota and has 2100 names on it. And, in little groups all around the hall, there were relatives introducing themselves; some for the first time and others renewing old acquaintances. We visited and looked at the displays while more people entered the hall and more jolly meetings took place.

At about 11:00 a.m., Eva Miller welcomed the guests, made some announcements and introduced some of the folks that would participate. She also announced that snack trays, iced tea, coffee and pop were served. Bradford Hartt played several numbers on the antique organ that belonged to Eva Miller's grandmother (Mary Alberta Hartt), and then he, with his wife Ruth at the piano, led in 15 minutes of hymn singing, followed by 15 minutes of old favorite folk songs. Quite a large group participated in the informal sing time.

Several interesting things caught my attention as I looked around after the sing time. On the platform were three unique balloon-art personalities representing William Charles Hartt, and his two sisters, Charlotte Annie, who was known as Annie, and Mary Alberta, known to all as Bertie. They were the first Hartts to come west from New Brunswick, Canada. Enlarged photos of them were on the wall.

Then, over to one side was a table where two ladies, Lin Hartt and Ruth Hutchins had the book "Hart to Hartt Family History" and the "Hart to Hartt Family History Supplement" available for those that wished to purchase them. I made use of the opportunity to buy a Supplement. Also available for purchase was the Hartt Historiography place mat and Hartt Crest refrigerator magnet plus other little heart magnets.

About this time, while an interesting "power point" presentation highlighted Hartt family history, Betty Patterson (from California) gave the fascinating life story of Elizabeth Hart, Isaac's wife. She wore a colonial dress and bonnet made by Betty and her daughter for the occasion. Betty made an absolutely delightful "Elizabeth Hutchinson Hart" as she presented the story of what it well may have been like when her husband built the home in 1676. She continues the story to her arrest during the Salem Witchcraft Trials. She had done her research well, and we all enjoyed her presentation. The Power Point slide show started out showing the old home in winter, spring and fall. Also some inside views were taken a few years ago. The home is on the National Historic Register and is expected to be part of our Reunion in June of 2006. Betty designed a lovely colorful invitation to the next June Reunion with a picture of the old house.

Carole Dick (Alberta, Canada) followed, telling of the trials and triumphs that she encountered in the production of the book "Hart to Hartt a Family History." I guess I almost felt sorry for her until I heard her say that she was "addicted to genealogy."

I think someone said that there were 100 people present (counting spouses and children), which was a marvelous showing for the Hartt families. Families came from Oregon, California, Alberta, B.C. and as far away as Michigan, Wisconsin, and Iowa. Each family that came from out of state received a box of Aplets and Cotlets.

Eva also recognized the oldest attendee, Freeman Miller, husband of Eva's sister Mary, who was 87 years of age, as well as Larry and Gail Kittelman, who celebrated their 34th wedding anniversary, during our reunion. Since Gail is from Hawaii, they were presented Lais to wear the rest of the day. Larry is Eva's nephew, son of her brother, Glen Kittelman.

Next was a picture-taking time, when the different Hartt groups were photographed.
There were:
43 - attendees in the William Charles branch.
38 - attendees in the Mary Alberta branch
9 - attendees in the Thomas branch
6 - attendees in the Samuel branch
3 - attendees in a Hart (one T) branch

Before the Reunion Dinner, Rev. Neville Clayton, from Iowa, led in prayer giving thanks to God for our heritage and for the food, after which we ate Baron of beef, salmon, two salads, assorted cooked vegetables, and dessert. For a keepsake, Eva designed a lovely book mark which was at each place setting. While we ate, Kami Hettwer (Eva's granddaughter), her husband and her two boys formed an instrumental ensemble and delighted us with their superb music. Daddy Mike played the French horn, Kami alternated between a French horn and the piano. Matthew, the oldest son, played the trombone while Joshua played the clarinet.)

At about 4:30 p.m., people began to leave. Eva had huge size balloons on each table that had heart shaped balloons inside of them. She had to run to pop the big balloons so the little ones would fly out before all the children were taken home. They had a good time catching and popping those balloons. Then there was the cleaning up of the hall and the packing up of materials and artifacts; and by 6:00 p.m., we had all left -- all of us with very happy memories of the 2005 Hartt Reunion!!

***** ***** *****

Presentation to Carole by Eva:
Eva commissioned a local jeweler to make a special item that was presented to Carole Dick. A gold replica of the logo used at this event was given to Carole in appreciation for all the work that she has done over the years bringing the family together, collecting their history, and writing and publishing two books documenting the family lineage back to Isaac and Elizabeth. Also, for building the Hartt network mailing list, and adding names and dates to the family tree every day. Then, of course, Carole attends these reunions coming from her home in Alberta, Canada.

The logo might be explained this way: the Hart name was derived from a deer, and the heart represents love. The deer represents a Hart running into a life of love, giving and receiving love. The jeweler made only two of the gold logos; Eva will keep the other one. Until Eva finds a way to produce them as costume jewelry there will be no more.

Reunion Photographers:
The photos were taken by Eva's daughters, Bobbi and Sylvia, and Sylvia's husband, Gary, and will be made available to all on the "www.MyHartt.com" web site. Gary presented a slide show on his monitor at the back of the room while Bobbi showed slides on the big screen at the front. The photos are still being identified and grouped. It will be announced later when they are ready to show and where.

Children Enjoyed the Reunion:
Tony Pistilli, Eva's grandson, was with the children outside most of the time. The children were also given a special small gift brought for them by Carole Dick from Canada.

Floral Planters:
The Floral planters were the finishing touch to the decorations. They were supplied by, our dear friend, Annie Neumiller. We thank you, Annie! They were beautiful.

Balloon Art:
Marty Houser, owner of Party Plus, created the balloon art. Party Plus is located nearby at Bonney Lake and you may see more of her work at: www.partyplusphotos.com

Carole says Thank You
A heart gift bag was passed around for people to contribute to the Hartt project for the extra expenses. Thank you, those donations helped boost the bank account.

Display Tables:
Many display tables were prepared for anyone bringing artifacts; many did. Lots of photographs were displayed.

Much of Mary Alberta's things were on display because her daughter, Silvia, never discarded anything. Everything from hand made baby dresses to collars for the ladies dresses; a purse, gloves, opera glasses a place setting of her tea set; a long braid of Mary Alberta's hair, a swatch of Silvia's hair, along with hair from Eva, Bobbi, Kami, and Jenessa. Also, hair from Sylvia and Carlia was on display with a box of long hair from Silvia at a time when ladies first bobbed their hair. I thought I was drowning in hair there for a while; six generations of hair is a bit much. Glen brought the old trunk that undoubtedly came across country by train. There were gold spoons sent to Mary Alberta from Sweden as a wedding gift when she married Carl Emil Johnson in 1889. Then, of course, there was her Pump organ that Brad and Ruth Hartt played. There were diaries and autograph books from both Mary Alberta and Silvia. Then there was the beautiful crocheting and tatting that Silvia did. So much to see that represented the way of life at that time. It was very interesting, indeed.

Next to Mary Alberta on the display table was William Charles and his descendants. Eva enlarged a picture of William Charles Hartt and Letitia Wilson Hartt. That picture was displayed on the wall. Copies of the marriage certificate of William Charles and Letitia were made available for attendees to take home. On the certificate was an individual picture of the young couple. A very interesting journal written in 1883 by William Charles was on display. On the table in front of them was a photo of the praying hands of David Roy Hartt enlarged and standing in a holder that it might be viewed to better advantage. It was a striking photograph indeed. Also the original copy of Roy and Jennie's wedding certificate was on display. People were happy to see Don and Jean Denton's wedding photo sent by their son Don from California. They were married in the hospital because Don had a broken neck at the time. A little booklet that was dedicated to Jean and Don was on display called, "A Journey by Wagon from Ohio to The Wisconsin Territory;" written by one of Don Denton's ancestors when she was 16-years-old traveling in a covered wagon.

The Bruce Hartts (eldest son of William Charles) had pictures of several of their families beautifully displayed. Kari (Hartt) Davenport brought pictures of the Davenport Reunion of August 2004 and her oldest daughter Sarah (Davenport) Clark had a scrapbook-like presentation of their family's vacation to Yellowstone Park in 2003. (Sarah is very talented in producing 'scrapbook albums' and has done their family from their wedding, 9 years ago, to present.)

Peggy and John S. Hartt brought copies of old photos of William Charles and Letitia and some of Harold Bruce and Emma Grace (Torrens) Hartt. These were pictures that other family members really enjoyed since no one seemed to have copies of those pictures. They also displayed pictures of headstones of the family line. Of course mom, Peggy, had many pictures of children and grandchildren and great grandchildren on display also.

Carole Dick set up a table display starting with pictures and information about Reverend Samuel Hartt Jr (1799-1867), from New Brunswick, along with church reports and minutes from 1843-1903. He started many churches along the St. John River; many are still in operation. On display were several very old photos of his sons, Rev. Aaron Hartt and Rev. Henry Hartt, and their families along with another son, Samuel E. and wife, Mary Ann Hartt.

More pictures of family members and their descendents were on display. For example, brothers Frank and Newton Hartt came west to farm. Five of their descendants were at the reunion representing and telling about their branch. Carole was proud to bring along the original journal her grandmother, Caroline (Hartt) Syson, wrote between 1888 and1894 while living in New Brunswick. A picture, taken in 2004, was shown of Carole and her 90-year-old mother hugging a maple tree. The tree was planted by Caroline in 1881 and is still standing tall near Jacksontown, N.B.

On display were pictures of both the New Brunswick and Western Canadian reunions. Carole created a timeline showing the progress of the Hartt project over the past five years with pictures of John Mills, the publisher, at his computer and the pile of Hartt books ready to be mailed from the tiny, rural Alberta, post office.

A photo album of the Pioneer Thomas Hartt (founder of Hartts Mills at Fredericton Junction, N.B.) was on display. Two attendees were from that branch of the Hartt tree. Elizabeth Hartt married Thomas Phillips in 1802. Their son, Dr. Thomas Phillips, was a well-known Doctor in Michigan. Three descendants were at the reunion showing off their pictures of the Phillips family.

The artwork of Estella Hartt (1876-1977), as well as her memoirs of traveling across the western Canadian prairies as a schoolteacher in the early 1900s, was another highlight. Brad Hartt brought a 20" x 25" pen-and-ink drawing by Estella M. Hartt of a scene in the woods where some wolves had just killed a buck (hart). In 1945, Estella went to visit her friend, Mae Whitehead, at the Prairie Bible Institute in Three Hills, Alberta. When she heard that there was a Hartt family at the Institute, she went to meet them, and found that David Roy Hartt was indeed related to her. After she returned to her home near Arrow Park, B.C., she sent them that drawing of the animals. Estella raised ginseng on her little farm near Upper Arrow Lake in order to supplement her income. Brad says that when his parents passed away, he inherited the drawing and has passed it on to his artist daughter, Carolyn Hartt, who has it in her home in Tacoma, Washington.

Brad also brought a pair of shoes made at the Hartt Boot & Shoe Factory in Fredericton, New Brunswick. Brad tells how his older brother, David, bought the Hartt shoes in B.C. in about 1992 and found that they were a little too small for him. He passed them on to Brad, who also found them too small. But Brad kept them though -- just to "show them off." Inside the shoes is the HARTT logo and the words HARTT, SINCE 1899, CANADA'S QUALITY SHOEMAKERS, GENUINE CAMEL SKIN. Hartt shoes sold for about the same price as "Florsheim" and "Freeman" shoes. Jeff Hartt sent along a Hartt shoehorn from the factory. Also on display was a picture of Odber Hartt's family; he founded the factory in 1899. The huge factory building is still standing in Fredericton, N.B.

Betty Patterson, of California, descended from Isaac's son, Adam Hart, displayed three pictures and a book. The book was "MY LIFE OF BLESSINGS" in pictures and words that she had written for her five children. It tells, in her own words and old pictures, the blessed events she has had from the moment of her birth until the present time. The first of Betty's pictures was taken in 1908 of Betty's Grandfather and Grandmother, Frederick Henry and Hallie (Schofield) Hart along with their son, John Frederick Hart. Betty's second picture, taken in 1924, showed her father, John Frederick Hart, and Betty when she was five months old. A third picture was a sketch of the Hart Furniture Dealership in Kent, Ohio, owned by her Great Grandfather, John Homer Hart which she titled "THE PROPRIETORS." John Homer Hart (1842-1889) was in partnership with his uncle, John M Hart (1809-1877). The last I heard (2005), the building is still standing although it is no longer used as a furniture store.

Massachusetts Reunion June 2006
Betty Patterson set up an attractive display of brochures and a huge colorful poster of Isaac's house. The brochures were about Massachusetts and the posters announced the 2006 Hart/Hartt Reunion in Woburn, Massachusetts. Anyone interested in attending was asked to add his or her name to a list that was available.

Visit to the Reunion by Cyndi Howell
Cyndi Howells, a person well renown in genealogy circles, stopped in to visit, to look over the Family Tree Chart, view the various displays, and to be available to answer questions or be of assistance to any of us Hartts that wish to search and learn more about our ancestors. Eva had invited her since she lives in Edgewood which is very close to Puyallup. Eva introduced her and Cyndi made a short statement about her web page, www.cyndislist.com which she put up to assist people like us. She has every known trustworthy genealogy site listed and by searching there you can find almost any information you are searching for. She is a much sought after lecturer and an international leader in this field. We were very pleased that she came to our event. Thank you, Cyndi.

A huge thank you goes out to Eva and Ted Miller and their wonderful friends who put in many, many hours planning and working to make this reunion such a wonderful success.

***** ***** *****

Reunion Reflections

My response is one of regret for having had to leave before the final dinner! I hear it was spectacularly good. Wasn't it wonderful catching up with everyone? (Well, everyone that came, anyway.)
Mea Hassell-Oregon

I wanted to thank any and all, for the effort of putting the reunion together! I didn't know how interesting it would be, and I really enjoyed being there. Talking with complete 'strangers', relatives, was fun, as well as catching up on the 'old' ones! Wow, am I really closely related to that guy with the loud voice! :) You bet I am! I love ya Uncle Cal! God bless.
Sarah Nelson-Washington

With so many families fighting over money, and some relatives not speaking to one another over things that have happened in the past, we found it so refreshing to feel the love and appreciation for one another that pervaded the 2005 Hartt reunion. Everyone was so congenial. And, a thousand thanks to Eva and her helpers as well as Carole.
Brad Hartt- Washington

The Hartt Reunion was a most enjoyable and interesting event for us. I should let you know that we were surprised at the high quality of the wonderful meal!! We're usually disappointed with the typical fare - but this was different! It was so nice meeting you and some right coasters, and catching up with our left coast 'rellies' again.
Mike, Maureen, Morgan, Mason, and Mitchell Quinn-Oregon

It was great seeing other relatives we have never met before. Especially to find out about our British Columbia Hartt group. Sam Hartt- Washington
It was a wonderful time, very informative and extensive. I love how well it was organized. There was wonderful food. My favorite part was when someone dressed as one on our ancestors to tell our history (could not hear it all that well though). Thanks to everyone,
Carol Rasmussen-Wash.

Though I only experienced a few hours of the reunion, I was delighted to meet many new relatives. I experienced an instant familiarity with people who share my same bloodline. That was special! I am inspired to visit New England to personally experience the places our ancestors lived.
Geoff Hartt - Oregon

I thought the event was wonderful. The facility worked out very well and of course the company was great!! Eva and Carole are to be commended on a great job.
Marina Hartt-Washington

Attending the Left Coast Hartt reunion meant visiting all too briefly with dear relatives, some of whom I'd not seen for many years, as well as meeting distant cousins for the first time. Eva Miller organized things so well, the food (and service) was great, and I especially enjoyed the music--singing together, and the concert done by Eva's family members. Thank you, Carole and Eva, for all your hard work. Love,
Charlotte Griffiths- Wisconsin

The loose leave binder was a great idea and I think the reunion was wonderful. Eva, you did a super job in organizing and carrying it out. We reconnected with family and found
new 'cousins'. Thanks for all you both have done to connect us all.
Love Kari Davenport

Eva Miller did an outstanding job of preparing to "Review the Past, Meet the Present and be Introduced to the Future" and was a most gracious hostess. Because of her, I am looking forward to meeting my cousins in Massachusetts where "the Past is Present," for the next reunion.
Betty Patterson- California